Applied Satellite Technology Networks: A Leading Provider of Maritime Software Solutions

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Applied Satellite Technology Networks is a leading provider of cutting-edge software solutions for the maritime industry. With a focus on delivering highly efficient and reliable communication systems, AST Networks has become a trusted partner for maritime businesses looking to enhance their shipping operations.

The shipping industry has been transformed by technological advancements in recent years, and maritime software solutions are vital to remain competitive. These solutions can help businesses in the shipping industry optimise communication, improve safety, and reduce costs. AST Networks is a leading provider of maritime software solutions, offering a comprehensive range of communication, asset management, and bandwidth management applications designed to meet the needs of businesses in the shipping industry. Read on to find out more about how we help vessel and fleet operators around the globe.

Communication, bandwidth management and security software solutions


Communication is key for ship and vessel operators, and AST Networks' maritime software solutions can help businesses optimise their comms systems, enabling efficient decision-making and enhanced safety.

One of our flagship products is the INTEGRA software suite. This solution integrates onboard systems with easy-to-use interfaces, enabling seamless communication between vessels and shore-based teams.

In addition to helping vessel operators optimise their communication channels, the suite also allows for bandwidth management, which mitigates the risk of excessive data use (by managing your bandwidth, you can significantly cut costs).

Our maritime software suite is powered by the INTEGRA Network – a secure, end-to-end reliable, high-performance satellite communication network that offers industry-leading insights into satellite subscriptions.

The network operates at 99.999% availability, ensuring minimal risk of downtime. This is because of the high quality of the INTEGRA Network that utilises best-in-class data centres and carrier-grade leased lines for ultimate reliability. The suite itself features the following maritime applications:

INTEGRA See and See+


INTEGRA See and See+ are exclusively available to AST Networks' customers, providing precise information of IP traffic initiated from the satellite terminal at the point it reaches the ground-based INTEGRA Network. INTEGRA See provides businesses with full visibility of traffic at an application level, enabling them to identify applications and services that are consuming bandwidth. This visibility enables maritime businesses to manage their bandwidth effectively, prioritising business-critical communications, and controlling the consumption of non-essential traffic.

With INTEGRA See+, vessel operators are offered enhanced visibility of application usage by devices on their satellite service. This platform enables businesses to monitor and analyse traffic patterns, identifying which applications are consuming the most bandwidth. With access to three months of historical usage data, businesses can make informed decisions on how to manage their bandwidth effectively.

INTEGRA Control and Control Lite

Abstract birds eye image of a cargo ship sailing through the ocean with a digital graphic overlay to illustrated maritime software

AST optimisation maritime solution is the INTEGRA Control vessel management system. This software provides real-time data on vessel performance, fuel consumption, and other key metrics, enabling vessel operators to maximise performance and reduce costs. With INTEGRA Control, businesses can achieve greater efficiency and reduce their environmental impact.

In addition to INTEGRA Control, AST Networks also offers a range of other bandwidth management solutions, such as satellite bandwidth optimisation and usage reporting. These solutions can help businesses manage their bandwidth usage and reduce costs, leading to improved overall performance.

INTEGRA Cybershield

Photo of a military ship in the ocean to illustrate maritime software security

Cybersecurity is an increasingly important aspect of maritime operations, given the increase in threats faced due to evolving technology and techniques. AST Networks recognises this and has implemented multiple layers of cybersecurity controls to maximise protection against threats through the INTEGRA Network. With advanced firewall, web filtering, and intrusion prevention, you'll have the means to stop damaging threats.

Furthermore, AST Networks has developed the INTEGRA Cybershield to protect against these threats that can result from crew members downloading unprotected applications that could be compromised. This maritime software application allows you to manage and block these applications.

Email compression software - Onsatmail

Photo of hands holding a phone with emails to illustrate Onsatmail's email compression software

Onsatmail is an email compression software designed to work on InmarsatIridium, and Thuraya handheld devices, as well as IP-based services including Iridium Certus® and Inmarsat's FBB and BGAN service. It utilises a specialised data transfer protocol that can address low bandwidth and high latency connections typical of satellite phone data connections. This error-tolerant protocol coupled with mail batching, compression and advanced spam filtering, provides users with a powerful, easy-to-use email solution.

The Onsatmail software helps to reduce satellite communications costs by compressing emails and reducing the overall data usage. This means that businesses can stay connected with their teams and clients while reducing their satellite communication bills.

Additionally, the online application helps to improve communication efficiency and reduces the time required for data transfer. The advanced spam filtering feature ensures that the user receives only important and relevant emails, which can save time and increase productivity.

Overall, AST Networks designs bespoke maritime software solutions that offer benefits such as improved operational efficiency, cost savings, better decision-making, enhanced safety, regulatory compliance, and increased collaboration among stakeholders in the maritime industry.

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