The Cobham SATCOM SAILOR 6130 mini-C LRIT is the premier standalone LRIT solution, enabling straightforward LRIT compliance through ease of operation and reliability. It offers the same benefits towards acceptance and compliance as the legacy system, but with a number of key enhancements.
This terminal is a single, self-contained and sealed unit, housing both antenna and transceiver. This design approach has proven to be rugged and reliable regardless of vessel type and application. Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) was adopted by the IMO in May 2006. By installing a standalone LRIT terminal, you can be confident that it will perform to the required standards. With simple installation, the SAILOR 6130 mini-C LRIT offers a cost-effective reliable way to achieve LRIT compliance.
SAILOR 6130 mini-C LRIT utilises the Inmarsat satellite network.
14.5cm x Ø17.1cm
Input Voltage
10.5 - 32V
Below Deck Unit Dimensions
23.9cm x 17.2cm x 5.4cm
Below Deck Unit Weight
Battery Type
Lithium-ion (rechargeable)
Standard Data Rate
2.4 kbps
Postpaid Options
LAN / RJ45