MDM3315 Satellite Modem

MDM3315 Satellite Modem

The MDM3315 Satellite Modem is a compact, high-throughput modem particularly suited for the mid-range of applications and markets.

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The MDM3315 Satellite Modem is a compact, high-throughput modem particularly suited for the mid-range of applications and markets. It is supported on each of iDirect’s platforms – Dialog, Velocity and Evolution. The MDM3315 offers investment protection by its flexibility and the fact that it is engineered for iDirect’s next generation technology.

Platform Choice, Investment Protection and Ultimate Flexibility

The MDM3315 is our newest mid-range modem. It’s supported on all THREE iDirect VSAT platforms: Dialog, Velocity or Evolution and designed with multi-platform support in mind. The MDM3315 is compatible with multiple return technologies depending on the platform.

The MDM3315 is also engineered for our next-generation platform. Users are choosing a protected, flexible investment with a solid pathway into the future.

About MDM3315

The MDM3315 is ideal for enterprise, cellular backhaul, maritime, broadcast, and government markets and supports a wide range of fixed IP, mobility, and multicasting services. Peak throughput reaches 150/70 Mbps and the wideband receive capability makes the MDM3315 a perfect fit for usage on HTS/VHTS. The modem’s ease of installation through web GUIs and remote commissioning applications allows services providers to deploy their services quickly, in a cost-effective way.

The MDM3315 modem is also available as a board level variant, the SMB3315, which is suitable for both fixed and COTM terminal solutions.

Ready to Upgrade from X7

The MDM3315 offers several enhancements when compared to the X7, making an upgrade more valuable. Some of these include a dual receiver, higher forward and return throughput, and a 4-port ethernet switch. With software and hardware parity and a similar form factor, the MDM3315 is a welcome upgrade.

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  • Features and Benefits
  • Technical Information

Features and Benefits

For operation in Dialog, Evolution or Velocity networks
DVB-S2 (up to 45 Msps) / DVB-S2X* (up to 500 Msps) outbound
Return max rates up to 29 Msps (ATDMA), 64 Msps (SCPC), 40 Msps* (MX-DMA MRC)
OpenAMIP and GXT file support for mobility
Optional 256-bit AES encryption*
ATMEL chip for authentication
Embedded TCP acceleration, GTP acceleration and header compression


-10°C to 55°C

30 Hours

41 x 36 x 20 CM







3.5 Hours

Lithium Iron






Network: Iridium

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