Intellian C700 Winterized Maritime Terminal

The Intellian C700 Winterized maritime terminal shares the same performance characteristics of its stable mate, the C700 Maritime terminal, but is designed to withstand extreme low temperature environments while maintaining its high-end performance.

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The Intellian C700 Winterized maritime terminal shares the same performance characteristics of its stable mate, the C700 Maritime terminal, but is designed to withstand extreme low temperature environments while maintaining its high-end performance.

Using the fully global Iridium Certus service, allows the terminal to operate in harsh weather conditions like the polar regions.

The C700 Winterized Maritime Terminal delivers out-of-the-box uplink speeds up to 352 Kbps and downlink speeds up to 704 Kbps, with low-elevation-angle RF efficiency thanks to its unique 12-patch phased array antenna technology.

It will support three high-quality, low-latency phone lines simultaneously; and has a solid-state antenna with no moving parts making it especially robust, requiring no scheduled maintenance over its lifetime (minimum 10-year operational lifetime).

To operate down to a certified operating temperature of -50℃, the Intellian C700 Winterized Maritime Terminal houses the antenna and a heater device within an Intellian i6 radome.

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  • Features and Benefits
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Features and Benefits

Three high-quality voice lines with Soft PBX function
4-Port Ethernet (LAN) PoE and WAN
Connection up to 16 SIP phones
Powerful 12 Element Patch Phased-Array Antenna
Easy installation and simple configuration
3-Year Global Warranty - Parts and Labour
Designed for the minimum 10-year operational lifetime
Built-in Firewall and User Threat Management
Enhanced low elevation angle antenna performance guarantees the most reliable and high throughput in rough seas and high latitudes

70 cm (dia) x 72 cm (h)

21 kg


28 cm x 19 cm x 41 cm

ADU: IP56, BDU: IP31

Antenna: 10.8 ~ 30 V DC Heater: 220VAC, 0.91A AC

-50℃ ~ + 55℃ (ADU); -15℃ ~ + 55℃ (BDU) oC

Up: up to 352 Kbps, Down: up to 704 Kbps


Over the last decade and a half, Intellian has progressed from an innovative and forward-thinking manufacturer of antennas to a leading technology and satellite communications services provider.

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