Thought Leadership: How Data-Driven Maritime Software can be Harnessed to Optimise Fleet Management Processes.

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Thought Leadership


Leveraging Maritime Software for Smarter Fleet Management

In a world increasingly defined by technology, successful businesses will be those that best embrace the new possibilities on their doorstep. Maritime professionals who do not have access to the wealth of information now available are at an inherent disadvantage compared to those who choose to implement new solutions like IRAMS from AST Networks.

In this article, we will explore the vital role of data analytics and management for companies hoping to make informed decisions, optimise their routes and enhance overall efficiency.

Making informed decisions

In years past, a ship's navigator would have been equipped with little more than a compass and sextant, plus charts containing historical data such as maps and weather records. Today, GPS, IoT and enhanced connectivity can provide a comprehensive view of the entire fleet's performance in real-time – even from thousands of miles away on dry land. Fleet or operations managers’ can keep a close eye on fuel consumption, vessel health, engine use and general diagnostics to make strategic decisions, moment by moment, that benefit the bottom line and the environment.

Optimising routes in real time

At AST Networks we place great value on the experience and intuition of sailors who have spent many years honing their skills. Arming them with modern solutions such as advanced algorithms and historical data can enhance their ability to navigate more efficiently. We help fleets chart optimised routes that are more fuel efficient, save time or even make strategic use of downtime caused by adverse weather to service their craft.

Enhancing operational efficiency

Your craft are highly specialised, carefully engineered machines capable of years of service. But, like every tool, they require proper care and maintenance to run at their full capability. By avoiding unnecessary wear and tear in the first place, costly downtime can be avoided. But this is only possible if you know what's happening on board. Predictive analytics, based on a set of safer working parameters, can reduce the frequency of breakdowns and increase the vessel's overall lifespan.

Putting people first

It may sound like a contradiction, but data-driven businesses can better look after their people. And with health and safety regulations becoming more complex each year, those companies who know most about their working conditions can better enhance their compliance. We can measure anything from vibration exposure, sea state and impact force (amongst others) to ensure a safe workplace for your crew and protect the company with validated data to prove you are following through on your legal commitments.

Contact us

If this article has got you thinking about the untapped potential in your business, please get in touch with AST Networks today to start a conversation about how a data solution could pay for itself through increased turnover and reduced overheads.

About Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark is Applied Satellite Technology Networks' Group Head of Software & General Manager of Applied Telematics.

Daniel's primary responsibility is to lead the digital transformation within AST Networks by implementing efficient software solutions and heading the IoT department.

Before his tenure at AST Networks, which began in 2021, Daniel dedicated eight years to the tech industry, where he successfully led various teams in both developing and implementing IT and software solutions.

For more information on maritime software, contact us today.

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