Polar Fun Day initiative for AST Networks staff schools

Old AST Networks logo on flag on a polar expedition


To celebrate our sponsorship with Quest 21, AST Networks will fund five Polar Fun Days to AST Networks staff's schools.

As you know, we are proudly sponsoring the Antarctic Quest 21 expedition that commemorates the iconic explorer and leader, Sir Ernest Shackleton, in the centenary year of his final expedition to the Antarctic.


To celebrate our sponsorship, we will fund five Polar Fun Days to AST Networks staff's schools. Polar Fun Day has proved to be a fantastic way to inspire young people with expressing an interest in working in science or with the environment as a career choice.

Meet Antony Jinman - founder of ETE, Polar Fun Day


Antony Jinman, a renowned polar adventurer from Antarctic Quest 21, most widely recognised for being the twelfth Britain to have skied to the Geographic North Pole and to have skied solo to the Geographic South Pole launched Education Through Expeditions (ETE) in 2010. The idea was to connect explorers and schools to inspire young people and ensure students gained a true understanding and appreciation of different worldwide environments. ETE works closely with educational establishments from primary through to university level, to raise ambition and aspiration in children and young people.

Polar Fun Day for AST Networks staff schools - Breaking down the four walls of the classroom

1. All you need to know

Through ETE’s Polar Fun Days schools can invite a Polar ambassador into the classroom to tell stories of their expeditions and the environments they have travelled through. With options ranging from assemblies to full activity days, Polar Fun Days teach children about the environment, animals and people of the Polar Regions, the causes and impacts of climate change, and inspire young people to follow their dreams in life.

ETE has now worked with over 900 schools sending Polar Ambassadors into the classrooms. Through their personal experiences, ETE is able to bring to life the Polar topics and have a range of activities to complement the discussions and educate children of all ages about the Polar regions.

Breakdown of Polar Fun Day Activities:

  • Blubber Gloves – their most popular activity
  • Expedition Planning – a very popular team exercise
  • Gloopy Glaciers – another of our extremely popular activities, suitable for many different ages
  • Inuit Printing – a creative exercise where children create their own prints in the styles of the Inuit people
  • Look at Polar Kit – we can bring a wide variety of polar survival gear with which to demonstrate and then invite the children to dress up.
  • Polar Bear Masks – a creative activity where younger children glue cotton wool balls to a paper plate to learn about a Polar Bear’s fur.
  • Pole to Pole – children will learn about the difference between the North and South Pole regions: animals, geography, people etc.

*All activities can be adjusted to suit various ages and group sizes.


2. What do you need to do?

ETE predominantly visits primary schools but also do secondary school visits too. The secondary school visits are normally a talk/presentation and a Q&A with an activity like Expedition Kit and Expedition Planning.

Polar Fun Days for schoolsin the UK:

Your child's school simply needs to email Anjuli Selvak at anjuli@liketobe.org and marketing@ast-networks.com, mention that AST Networks will be sponsoring a Polar Fun Day for the school. Anjuli will then get back to your school with all they need to know for the day.

If you have any questions about ETE Polar Fun Days, please get in touch with Anjuli Selvak at anjuli@liketobe.org

Polar Fun Days for schools outside the UK

ETE also offer Polar Fun Days for schools outside the UK. These are virtual and can range from 1-2 hours, half days, or full days. These can range from a presentation about previous expeditions with a Q&A and demonstrating activities and answering questions/assisting virtually.

Your child's school simply needs to email Anjuli Selvak at anjuli@liketobe.org and marketing@ast-networks.com, mention that AST will be sponsoring a Polar Fun Day for the school. Anjuli will then get back to your school with all they need to know for the day.

If you have any questions about ETE Polar Fun Days, please get in touch with Anjuli Selvak at anjuli@liketobe.org

3. Free Antarctic Quest 21 learning content for schools across the world

It's free for all schools UK & outside the UK to take part and access Antarctic Quest 21 learning content.

Antarctic Quest 21 daily Timeline posts of the expedition ranging from posts about the science, wildlife and past explorers. In their Resources tab, Antarctic Quest 21 has videos from the expedition team directly and recordings of thier past live webinars ‘Woman in Science with Megan Pearce & Dr Susan Leadbetter’ and ‘Expedition Science with Dr Charlotte Braungardt.’

To access the digital outreach, your school has to register on the LikeToBe platform .

Any questions, please email Anjuli Selvak at anjuli@liketobe.org and CC in marketing@ast-networks.com



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