Reliable satellite and radio systems are vital for fast, effective delivery of aid where communications are poor or non-existent due to conflict or natural disaster.
AST Networks satellite communication solutions provide key workers with instant communications to quickly deploy logistics processes, share data efficiently and co-ordinate operations, while assuring their safety.
For environmental research and nature preservation, AST Networks satellite communications solutions enables fast and reliable transfer of crucially important scientific data in remote regions.
Enabling a connection to anything or anyone in any location – whether on an offshore platform, a one worker in remote location or travelling the world.
Leading solutions that ensure the safety, security and connectivity to your workforce even if they operate in the world’s most remote places.
Response to disasters to provide humanitarian aid  requires a rapid response to arrange the many support services required such as co-ordinating personnel, building an infrastructure, arranging medical services, shelters and provisions.
With infrastructure potentially damaged or unusable, AST Networks satellite comms solutions can help you coordinate an effective emergency response and keep your teams safe and connected.
Co-ordinating operational activities and ensuring information is shared with other agencies is essential.
For example, solutions such as the Iridium Extreme PPT deliver secure communications at the push of a button. It has been ruggedly engineered to support high intensity users in some of the harshest conditions in the world. Its ability to instantly communicate at the push of a button is not only more efficient but is also more cost-effective as it removes the need for expensive set-up costs – hardware for this solution is typically around 60% less than leading alternatives.
AST Networks portable satellite communication solutions can aid in delivery of education to remote schools and educational facilities, enabling services such as live tutoring, scheduled broadcasts and e-learning portals as well as access to the internet.
Remote tracking of wildlife via satellite has also become a critical tool for environmental research and nature preservation. AST satellite communications solutions enable fast and reliable transfer of crucially important scientific data in remote regions. Our state-of-the-art global connectivity systems can also help quick deployment of logistics, easy coordination of operations, and increased safety for personnel.
To support animal conservation efforts, our global satellite communication systems provide you insight into the location, health and welfare of animals.
We have assisted in many conservation projects including brown bears in Sweden and lions in Africa. Tracking collars, incorporating Iridium short burst data (SBD) technology, provide scientists with a flexible solution to wildlife monitoring and studies in areas where GSM coverage is limited. The collars transmit invaluable data via satellite.
AST Networks has installed some of the most robust satellite-enabled sensors, coupled with reliable communication infrastructures, to allow monitoring of rainfall and water levels in remote flood-prone areas such as Malaysia, enabling the collection, monitoring and interrogation of data, ultimately saving lives.
Many climate change explorations and research functions are based in the polar regions, making voice and data communication impossible without satellite communications.
The Iridium Certus® service enables scientific data to be sent in the shortest time possible (at data speeds of up to 704 kbps) and relayed to the various institutes for processing. It also allows your crew and scientists to contact their families.
Handheld satellite phones are critical, for communications and safety. Our unique solution, IRIS, offers real-time location reports on a user-friendly portal and distress or SOS alerts.
Our IoT and machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions allow seamless connectivity to sensors for asset management. Automated monitoring allows for remote ice flow and probe data to be relayed in a timely, cost-effective manner.