Thuraya IP Voyager is a reliable, high-quality and affordable vehicular satellite terminal designed for a wide range of mission-critical on the move operations such as border patrol, defense and disaster response in areas inadequately served by terrestrial networks.
Thuraya IP Voyager is a reliable, high-quality and affordable vehicular satellite terminal designed for a wide range of mission-critical on the move operations such as border patrol, defense and disaster response in areas inadequately served by terrestrial networks.
Thuraya IP Voyager is a reliable, high-quality and affordable vehicular satellite terminal designed for a wide range of mission-critical on the move operations such as border patrol, defense and disaster response in areas inadequately served by terrestrial networks.
The terminal enables users to collaborate reliably and efficiently with colleagues using video, data and VoIP to achieve mission-critical tasks, where failure is not an option.
Designed to operate at IP broadband speeds of up to 444kbps, Thuraya IP Voyager is the only vehicular terminal in the market capable of achieving streaming IP speeds of up to 384kbps as well as user definable asymmetric streaming.
Simple, quick and easy to install on any vehicle, connectivity to the Internet can be achieved within minutes.
Thuraya Atlas IP features improved power efficiency, a smaller form factor and greater versatility than rival maritime broadband products. The terminal features a single cable connection to the stabilized antenna, direct bulkhead mounting and built-in Wi-Fi.
It also includes a range of features designed to support improved communications functionality and enhance shipboard operations. These include port forwarding, which can automatically transfer data from shipboard equipment and devices in support of M2M reporting routines, an English/Chinese web interface, a built-in firewall, continuous GPS output and the ability to limit data sessions by time or volume.
Dimensions de l'antenne
28cm x Ø32cm
Poids de l'antenne
External Antenna
Options postpayées et prépayées
Type de batterie
Lithium-ion (rechargeable)
Temps de parole
Up to 9 hours
IP standard
Up to 444 kbps
IP en continu
Up to 385 kbps
Dimensions de l'unité sous le pont
Up to 385 kbps
Poids de l'unité sous le pont
Thuraya est la filiale de services mobiles par satellite de la société Al Yah Satellite Communications Company P.J.S.C. (Yahsat), basée aux Émirats arabes unis, qui est une société publique et une filiale de Mubadala Investment Company. Créée en 1997, Thuraya est le premier opérateur de satellites des Émirats arabes unis.
Elle propose des solutions de communication innovantes à divers secteurs, notamment l'énergie, les pouvoirs publics, la radiodiffusion, le secteur maritime, le secteur militaire, l'aérospatiale et les ONG humanitaires.