Supervise los grupos electrógenos de AST Networks

Photo from the top of a wind turbine to illustrate remote asset management


Diesel-powered portable or static power generator sets (gensets) are an expensive asset to maintain particularly in offshore or remote land based locations.

Typically conditions can be harsh, very often expensive to send maintenance engineers and where there can be little or no terrestrial land-based or cellular-based communications to remotely monitor and manage your asset.

A new non-intrusive generator telematics and SCADA type solution called AT Gensets using global satellite technology addresses all these challenges. With the massive expansion of low latency satellite networks, coupled with greatly reduced costs for low bandwidth mobile satellite data, has now significantly improved the economic viability of remotely managing and controlling generators worldwide using satellite technology for the marine, environmental and industrial sectors.

The Benefits of Genset Telemetry

Global: remotely using SCADA satellite technology. AT Gensets is a self-contained and independent global solution which communicates with gensets with MODBUS Controllers, worldwide.

Monitors: users can monitor a wide variety of operational, alarms, faults and fuel usage parameters to monitor the efficiency and health of the genset via an internet connection.

Controls: users can remotely start and stop under controlled conditions, reset, change mode, configure thresholds, download raw data and schedule reports.

Alerts: when an event is detected the user can choose to receive a notification by email.

User interface: users are supplied with an intuitive and simple to use AT Gensets web based Graphic User Interface (GUI) to enable them to manage, monitor, report and control the gensets.

Most importantly, marine assets are now never out of sight. Real time information is managed by accessible software to provide your organisation with increased levels of control and the ability to significantly reduce operating costs.

What are the Features of AT Gensets?

  • 32 configurable generator and engine operating parameters supported
  • Remote fault diagnosis, with over 60 named alarm conditions supported
  • Control register support and the ability to change generator mode under controlled conditions
  • Lower latency response compared to other satellite networks
  • Hourly reports as standard – other intervals available
  • Dual channel support for increased data reporting on GSM and for maximum cost effectiveness including disaster recovery & resilience
  • Automatic switch-over between GSM and satellite
  • Tamper alert – generator service door is monitored for open/close events
  • Configurable threshold reporting to ensure any alerts are recorded and transmitted at next message interval (email notifications)
  • Access to reporting portal
  • Graphical reporting on historical data
  • Facility to download raw data
  • Ability to schedule automatic reporting on parameter

Control Remotely

Controls: users can remotely start and stop under controlled conditions, reset, change mode, configure thresholds, download raw data and schedule reports.

Alerts: when an event is detected the user can choose to receive a notification by e-mail.

Intelligent Alerts

Fuel status: visual, colour-coded overlay of genset fuel status.

Wide range of engine parameters which are constantly monitored.

Genset access door sensor recording and alerting.

Monitor Your Generators Remotely

Monitors: iRAMS users can monitor a wide variety of operational, alarms, faults and fuel usage parameters to monitor the efficiency and health of the genset via a PC/smartphone with an internet connection.

Alerts: when an event is detected, the user can choose to receive a notification by e-mail.

User interface: users are supplied with an intuitive and simple to use iRAMS web-based Graphic User Interface (GUI) to enable them to manage, monitor, report and control the genset.

Mapping: aid in scheduling and refuelling logistics.

Fuel status: visual, colour-coded overlay of genset fuel status.

Para más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo.

Visite AST Reygar para saber cómo pueden ayudarle a reducir las emisiones y ahorrar dinero. BareFLEET es el galardonado sistema de monitorización remota y gestión de activos para buques marítimos de AST Reygar.

Somos pioneros en el desarrollo de sistemas avanzados de supervisión remota y gestión de activos diseñados específicamente para aplicaciones marítimas. Nuestras galardonadas soluciones le proporcionan información precisa y en tiempo real, garantizando un rendimiento, una seguridad y una eficiencia óptimos de sus activos mientras navegan por alta mar.

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