AST Networks announced Service Provider for Iridium’s GMDSS system

Barco rompehielos que ilustra el sistema GMDSS de Iridium



Applied Satellite Technology Networks (AST Networks ), has been announced a Service Provider for Iridium’s Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

The new service planned to go live in the first half of 2020 will provide truly global satellite SMSSM service to mariners and offer a new choice in satellite communications services network y equipment. Iridium® GMDSS will be the first to feature all three GMDSS services - safety voice, distress alerting and maritime safety information messaging, as well as being able to utilize Iridium’s global voice and data services – all in one cost-effective and compact terminal.

We’re delighted and proud to be at the forefront of this exciting new service, building on our strong relationship with Iridium and further expanding our capability in the maritime market. We continually invest in our own solutions and services designed to bring our customers reliability, efficiency and choice. With our extensive experience in this market sector and our exceptional 24/7 manned global customer service capabilities we look forward to adding this life-critical service to our portfolio.

AST Networks' Group Managing Director, Gregory Darling

GMDSS is a safety-of-life system created by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) designed to rescue mariners in distress while at sea. Its satellite communications capabilities are regulated by the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO). The system is partially comprised of satellite networks that feed distress information to rescue coordination centres around the world and enable the dissemination of navigational and meteorological information to vessels on the world’s waterways, facilitating safer marine travel. Iridium received recognition to provide GMDSS from the IMO in 2018 and signed a public services agreement with IMSO to act as a regulator of the service in 2019.

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