SSAS is an IMO requirement for SOLAS ships to operate within compliance of the SOLAS regulations
SSAS is an IMO requirement for SOLAS ships to operate within compliance of the SOLAS regulations (ref. SOLAS regulations, Chapter XI Special measures to enhance maritime safety). The SSAS kit from Lars Thrane works in conjunction with their truly global LT-3100S GMDSS Satellite Communications System. The Lars Thrane LT-3100S GMDSS terminal utilises the Iridium satellite network.
In the event of a security situation on board a ship, such as terrorist or pirate activity, SSAS can be activated via one of the alert buttons. The alert message contains relevant ship information, including location details (Latitude/Longitude). Once the SSAS alert button is activated, it continuously transmits the ship information unless it is reset or deactivated.
The kit also includes a test button to ensure the system is operating within regulations without triggering a false alarm.
The alert and test buttons connect to an LT-3100S GMDSS Satellite Communications System via the LT-3140S Interface Unit.
Temperatura de funcionamiento
-15 to +55 °C
Clasificación IP
Tensión de entrada
12-24 VDC (0.7-0.4 A)
18.6 x 22.7 x 4.0 CM
0.71 kg