Eutelsat OneWeb and AST Networks' satellite communication services will offer users of leisure craft vessels large and small the same high-speed and high-quality connectivity throughout their entire journey, whether along the coast or mid-ocean. With OneWeb, leisure craft owners will have the luxury of activating plans on demand, instantaneously providing seasonal connectivity options based on usage to eliminate unexpected costs.
LEO (Low-earth-orbit) satellite connectivity, provided by OneWeb and AST Networks, can give ship owners and operators the ability to service passengers with a more refined experience and business travellers with a more productive journey. Low-latency connectivity allows passengers to work during voyages, stream movies or TV boxsets, play online games, make video calls to friends and family, and upload photos and videos to social media. As a result, ship owners and operators can improve customer loyalty and increase profitability.
LEO satellite connectivity lets ship owners and operators transform the sea travel experience for passengers of all types. In addition to giving guests access to their own entertainment and content, OneWeb connectivity lets passengers make any itinerary changes they need to make in real-time, provide necessary pre-arrival documentation online, book additional tickets or hotel rooms. This enhances the experience at every touchpoint along the journey.
AST Networks bietet Reedern und Passagieren nicht nur Zugang zu ihren eigenen Unterhaltungsangeboten und Inhalten, sondern hilft ihnen auch bei der Berechnung der Auswirkungen ihrer Datennutzung, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die richtige Verbindung für ihre Bedürfnisse haben. Unsere INTEGRA-Dienste bieten umfassende Transparenz und Kontrolle über die vom Schiff genutzten Netzwerke und Daten und geben dem Eigner/Kapitän über das benutzerfreundliche My AST Portal die Kontrolle in die Hand.
Erfahren Sie mehr über Eutelsat OneWeb
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