AST Networks Australia Provide Vehicular BGAN Explorer 325 Connects Remote Mining Construction Project Teams

Bergbaufahrzeuge zur Veranschaulichung der Fernverwaltung von Vermögenswerten


AST Networks Australia provided the client a with BGAN Explorer 325 to provide in-vehicle satellite data and voice communications

Client Requirements

  1. Speziell für Fahrzeuge entwickeltes mobiles Telekommunikationssystem, das die für den Projektbetrieb an abgelegenen Orten erforderliche Daten- und Sprachkommunikation ermöglicht.
  2. The Australian based client had a diverse portfolio of projects primarily focus on engineering, building, water, rail and energy.
  3. Laufendes mobiles Telekommunikationssystem für abgelegene Projektstandorte, das sehr schnell eingesetzt werden kann.
  4. Mehrere abgelegene Projekte, für die ein System benötigt wird, das unterwegs Sprach- und Datenkommunikation über Satellit ermöglicht.
  5. Provide their project teams with a WIFI ‘hotspot’, whilst the vehicle was stationary with engine turned off, to enable connection into the company's network system to communicate business-critical communication.


  1. Projekte in abgelegenen Gegenden, in denen keine oder nur unzuverlässige Telekommunikationsmittel zur Verfügung stehen.
  2. Erforderlich war ein robustes, zuverlässiges System, mit dem auch schwierige, abgelegene und unwegsame Projektstandorte (oft abseits der Straße) problemlos erreicht werden können.
  3. Ein System, das die Telekommunikation sowohl unterwegs als auch im Stand ermöglicht.
  4. Eine wirtschaftliche und erschwingliche Lösung für die Satellitenkommunikation zu haben.

AST Networks Australia Solutions

Explorer 2.png

AST Netzwerke Australien provided the client a with BGAN-Forscher 325 to provide in-vehicle satellite data and voice communications (when on the move), combined with providing their project teams a wi-fi hot spot for business-critical communications (whilst vehicle was stationary and engine switched off).

The client's Toyota Prado 4WD used BGAN Explorer 325 to communicate on-the-move. This supports greater workforce productivity and provides the ability to get the job done no matter how remote their project, ensuring they are never out of touch.

Furthermore, this work can be done whether travelling at high speed or stationary.

In Summary the BGAN Explorer 325 provides customers with:

Fast connectivity

Fast connectivity with data speeds of up to 384kbps over standard IP and up to 128kbps streaming. Business operations demand a fast connection with the confidence that it won’t be interrupted when traveling within harsh environments. This allows connectivity in places previously unavailable and has opened new applications for on-the-move communications.

Easy to deploy

The easy to deploy terminal is as simple as placing the antenna on the roof of the vehicle, connect it and your PC to the terminal and you have a mobile communication hub. All this without having the cost and time of sending technicians and engineers out to remote sites.

Compact form

At 35cm in diameter, 12cm high and weighing just 3.6kg, the BGAN Explorer 325 is the smallest vehicular BGAN antenna on the market.

Data usage management

AST Networks Australia provided an economic solution by managing the data from the BGAN, ensuring no ‘bill shock’ and unnecessary access.

The Explorer 325 is an ideal solution for remote mobile teams requiring reliable, easily deployable voice and data satellite communications. AST Networks Australia are pleased we are able to help with a great solution to meet communication requirements out in the harsh, remote Australian outback.


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