By establishing alerts for specific actions and by reviewing data over time then this knowledge can be used to solve specific requirements and to build a managed risk reduction programme.
A connected ship means that operational risks are reduced.
Example: Comparison of engine performance individually or as a fleet will detect issues in advance improving preventative maintenance and reducing costs of failure whether gradual or incident driven.
Example: The differential risk for a vessel alongside on standby or when working can be acquired over time developing a risk profile declaration reducing insurance premiums.
Example: For workboats recorded vessel time at sea can be used for accurate invoicing eliminating the risk of lost hours.
Example: Temperature monitoring of containers or cargo provides customer assurance and avoids damage claims.
AT Ocean is a vessel telemetric solution provided by Applied Telematics. Immediate or strategic operational risk reduction procedures reduce difficulties and major disasters reducing costs and operational impact. Knowledge of what is actually happening remotely can always be used to improve financial performance.
Risk and reward is the essence of business. It is entirely logical to reduce risks.
Activities in remote locations and at sea have known and obvious risks which are avoided as a matter of course, but with the use of proven technology operational risks can be reduced further and specifically those that are not so obvious.
A not so obvious risk is contractual success or failure as the chances of tender success can be improved by providing historical, or if the customer requires real time, data on specifics such as reliability of departure and arrival times or planned and actual routine maintenance periods as evidence of risk reduction for your customer when contracting with your organisation. Demonstrable performance improves confidence and the buyer’s confidence in a service provider is crucial.
A not so obvious risk is compliance with regulations and compliance with contractual obligations a good example is temperature and humidity monitoring. Demonstrating physical performance fits with contractual performance.
A not so obvious risk relates to people management. If the remote team are aware that their activities are being monitored indirectly this acts as silent control over unacceptable behaviour whatever that may be. Thereby reducing the risk of individual actions being taken outside of business norms.
Maintaining records is now much easier with automated forms and appropriate data management methods leading to analysis and conclusions. Very often data is available but the necessary application to arrive at beneficial conclusions can be a missing part of the system. The science of data analytics is not required, but what is important is the awareness that available data needs to be compiled and then used, for example, for the annual insurance renewal negotiation or a machinery warranty claim.
All the above may appear esoteric because risk is silent and often unseen but risk reduction is self evidently good for business.
Besuchen Sie AST Reygar um zu erfahren, wie sie Ihnen helfen können, Emissionen zu reduzieren und Geld zu sparen. BareFLEET ist das preisgekrönte Fernüberwachungs- und Asset-Management-System von AST Reygar für Seeschiffe.
Wir sind Vorreiter bei der Entwicklung modernster Fernüberwachungs- und Asset-Management-Systeme, die speziell für die Schifffahrt konzipiert sind. Mit unseren preisgekrönten Lösungen erhalten Sie genaue Einblicke in Echtzeit und können so eine optimale Leistung, Sicherheit und Effizienz für Ihre Anlagen auf hoher See gewährleisten.