AST Networks Assist to Secure Customer Data Delivery with VPN Solution

Far shot of a remote establishment to Boat in the dock to illustrate an Intellian and Eutelsat OneWeb Case Study


AST Networks were approached by a customer with existing Inmarsat BGAN terminals, deployed in remote field locations. The requirement was to ensure secure transmission of data between these terminals and the customer’s back-end infrastructure, over the internet using a VPN solution.

The Challenge

The customer encountered several challenges, including dependency on a third-party for back-end services, with limited technical expertise. They were seeking a comprehensive, ready-to-use solution, that required minimal technical involvement from their part.

Die Lösung

AST Networks addressed the customer needs by providing a fully managed VPN solution, from supplying and configuring our LinkBox device, to facilitating installation within in the customer’s infrastructure. This solution provides the customer with a secure VPN tunnel between the satellite infrastructure and the customer’s network. Our team handled all aspects of hardware provision, configuration, and installation, ensuring a seamless set-up process.

The implementation of our solution yielded numerous benefits for our customer; we were able to significantly reduce the technical involvement required from their side, relieving them of the burden of having to manage complex infrastructure. We also were able to remove the pressures of the customer having to monitor and manage the service, as our team handle all aspects of maintenance and support, keeping the VPN connection operational 24/7.

With AST Networks acting as the sole point of contact, communication was streamlined, and we delivered a solution that ensures transparency and accountability in the data delivery process.

The Results

By providing a turn-key solution and comprehensive 24/7 support, we enabled our customer to secure their data transmission effectively, whilst minimising their operational complexities, ensuring uninterrupted remote connectivity across their remote field locations.

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