This week, OneWeb's Maritime team had a long-awaited in-person meeting with colleagues at AST Networks.
This week, OneWeb's Maritime team - Carole Plessy, Dave Bell and Alexandra Kenworthy got to have that long-awaited in-person meeting. They metour colleagues at AST Networks – Gregory Darling, Stuart Castell and Barney Gray. The main business of the day was to plan the smooth onboarding of AST Networks as we move closer to undertaking customer beta trials and delivering fixed services to support remote connectivity in Northern Europe before the end of the year.
Together, we will be offering fixed-land and maritime customers access to OneWeb’s fast, flexible and affordable Fernkonnektivität solutions seamlessly in even the most remote locations on land and at sea. Once the full commercial service is available in 2022, OneWeb's network of satellites will be providing AST Networks' customers, primarily in the commercial shipping, fishing, leisure and high-end offshore sectors with OneWeb’s high-speed alternative to current satellite solutions.
Gregory Darling, Founder and Chairman of the AST Networks said:
”We know that companies in the maritime and offshore industries are embracing digitalisation as they seek to decarbonise, sustainability and governance standards being high on the agenda together with continuous business performance and remote personnel welfare – all of which are underpinned by the need for more technology and data. We are well placed to lead the way and are delighted to be part of the future of remote connectivity on sea and land.”
Besuchen Sie AST Reygar um zu erfahren, wie sie Ihnen helfen können, Emissionen zu reduzieren und Geld zu sparen. BareFLEET ist das preisgekrönte Fernüberwachungs- und Asset-Management-System von AST Reygar für Seeschiffe.
Wir sind Vorreiter bei der Entwicklung modernster Fernüberwachungs- und Asset-Management-Systeme, die speziell für die Schifffahrt konzipiert sind. Mit unseren preisgekrönten Lösungen erhalten Sie genaue Einblicke in Echtzeit und können so eine optimale Leistung, Sicherheit und Effizienz für Ihre Anlagen auf hoher See gewährleisten.