AST Networks Australia VSAT Projects

Digitalised earth with nodes to illustrate VSAT for land


Take a look at some of our VSAT projects that have been completed by AST Networks Australia. The team of experts have helped many maritime businesses stay connected to land-based teams and the family of crew.


  • Vessel: Clough Java Constructor
  • Products Installed: VSAT 768/768 SCPC, TVRO Solution and Inmarsat Fleet Broadband
  • Location: South East Asia, using NSS6 satellite
  • Contract Date: 2005 - Current

Die Clough Java Constructor has been in service with AST Netzwerke Australien for five years. We provide all satellite services on board including service & support of the Inmarsat & VSAT network. The vessels area of operation is in Australia and Indonesia.

Company Name: Neptune Marine

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  • Vessel/s: Neptune ROV Supporter, Neptune Trident
  • Products Installed: VSAT and Inmarsat FleetBroadband 250 Solution
  • Location: Asia, Australia, Middle East Service, using GE23 satellite
  • Contract Date: 2005 - Current

AST Networks Australia provides various Inmarsat & VSAT services from 256K to 512 SCPR VSAT links. We also support the vessels pro-actively via our NOC here in Perth.

Speights Brewing Company

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  • Vessel Name: MV Lida “The Great Beer Delivery”
  • Products Installed: VSAT 9797, C-band, 512/512k Solution
  • Location: New Zealand to the United Kingdom
  • Contract Date: 2006 - 2007

The Speights Brewing Company required a vessel to deliver a Speights Ale House complete with beer from New Zealand all the way to the United Kingdom. AST Networks Australia provided a VSAT Solution to ensure communications were met the entire trip.


  • Vessel Name: Mermaid Discovery,
  • Products Installed: VSAT Solution 256 and 512, Inmarsat Fleet 77 and Fleet 33
  • Location: West African and Asia.
  • Contract Date: 2006 - Current

Four GeoKinetics / MMA vessels were installed with VSAT Solutions by AST, currently 3 of these vessels are located off Papa New Guinea.

DOF SubSea

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  • Vessel Name: DOF SubSea GeoBay
  • Products Installed: Inmarsat FleetBroadband 250, VSAT solution and 512 / 512 SCPC
  • Location: Australia and New Zealand, using GE23 satellite
  • Contract Date: 2006 - 2011

The vessel worked all over the globe and AST Networks Australia supported the VSAT connection where ever they operate.


  • Vessel Name: APC Aussie 1
  • Products Installed: Total solution – VSAT , Inmarsat Fleet 77, Seatel Sat TV antenna & Foxtel distribution system
  • Location: Australia and New Zealand, using GE23 satellite
  • Contract Date: 2007 - 2011

This solution was to accommodate 300 people and included pre-paid VOIP calling cards branded with the clients name as these were sold /given to crew.

TS Marine

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TS Marine 1.jpg
  • Vessel/s: Havilla Harmony, Rem Etive
  • Products Installed: Two VSAT Solutions and an Inmarsat FleetBroadband 250
  • Location: Asia and Australia, using GE23 Satellite and the using NSS6 Satellite
  • Contract Date: 2008 - Current

AST Australia won a tender to replace our competitors service. This consisted of two antennas on two different vessels, the contract is for two years.

True North

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  • Vessel Name: True North Luxury Cruises
  • Products Installed: VSAT Solution, FleetBroadband 250 plus VoIP and Internet Cafe
  • Location: Asia and Australia, using GE23 Satellite
  • Contract Date: 2009 - Current

AST Networks Australia installed a VSAT solution plus VoIP and a internet cafe to cater for their customers/clients and crew that are frequently moving off and on board depending on charters.


  • Vessel Name: Leighton Beau Geste
  • Products Installed: VSAT Solution
  • Location: Asia, using NSS6 Satellite
  • Contract Date: 2007

AST Networks Australia installed a VSAT solution on board the Leighton Beau Geste to support 150 staff that reside on board. This was for a short term project contract off the Philippines.

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