
Keep offshore crews safe with dependable communications while achieving enhanced operational efficiency.
Ofsshore support vessel carrying oil rig

AST Networks know that offshore personnel for oil & gas and windfarms work in some of the harshest and remote environments in potentially hazardous conditions.

From FPSOs and OSVs to rigs in shall and deep waters, AST Networks range of communication and connectivity solutions are ideally suited for offshore operators looking for enhancing operational resilience, improving Fürsorge für die Besatzung and optimising production at lower costs in a highly complex industry.


Offshore Energy Solutions

Maritime Konnektivität

Ermöglicht eine Verbindung zu allem und jedem an jedem Ort - ob auf einer Offshore-Plattform, einem Arbeiter an einem abgelegenen Ort oder auf Reisen in der ganzen Welt.

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Maritimes IoT & Vermögensverwaltung

Verbesserung der Wirksamkeit der maritimen Mittel.

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Maritime Sicherheit GMDSS

Wir bieten Satellitenkommunikationsdienste an, bei denen die Sicherheit auf See im Vordergrund steht.

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Stellen Sie die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden Ihrer Mitarbeiter in den Vordergrund - mit sicherer und zuverlässiger Kommunikation.

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Kommunikation und Bandbreitenmanagement

Effizientes Bandbreitenmanagement durch Echtzeitzugriff zur Überwachung und Kontrolle der Datennutzung.

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Hybride Konnektivitätslösungen

Verwaltete Dienste, die auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zugeschnitten sind.

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Operational efficiency

Offshore Energy companies need custom satellite communications solutions that meet the highest levels of network reliability and security for day-to-day business communications and operations.

AST Networks tailor make satellite communications solutions to fit as operations expand in scope and duration. You can learn more about how we have helped the world's largest oil and gas companies achieve their goals through our case studies, such as the one below.

Read Case Study - Resilient and secure remote monitoring of subsea systems

Crew welfare

For crew, being able to contact their loved ones back home and accessing a few home comforts plays a vital role in their wellbeing. Our range of handheld and broadband terminals allow oil rig owners the opportunity to improve crew welfare and quality of life by allowing crew to make calls, watch television (TVRO), access the internet and send texts and emails, from any location and in any weather.

As a responsible partner we are also mindful that bandwidth is managed efficiently. Our INTEGRA service gives you the insight to prioritise critical communications and make key bandwidth management decisions backed by automated insights and data.

Read Case Study - Prioritising business critical communications onboard

Remote asset management

AST Networks tailor make satellite communication-based IoT solutions that provides global asset management and automates machinery. Thanks to our iRAMS telematics solutions, those managing offshore industry assets can utilise our remote control, fault monitoring and intelligence alerts – allowing preventative maintenance measures and reducing potential downtime.

Read Case Study - Maximise refuelling efficiency for offshore windfarms

Supporting new use cases offshore

As OneWeb's most experienced maritime partner, AST Networks can provide the industrial grade connections at high-speed and low latency for offshore energy operations.

The high-performance connectivity allows the implementation of new use cases relying on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) to revolutionise traditional offshore working practices, enhance processes and improve worker safety. 

Find out more about OneWeb’s Offshore service

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