Kommerzielle Fischerei

Feel connected and safe wherever the catch takes you. Remain compliant with regulations and stay ahead of the game with real-time access to data.
Birds flying around commercial fishing boat

Feel connected and safe wherever the catch takes you. Remain compliant with regulations and stay ahead of the game with real-time access to data.

Retaining reliable satellite communications services when on open water not only maintains a first-class experience for guests on board but allows access to essential weather and navigation information. With our product and solutions portfolio AST provides satellite communication solutions to manage and improve your connectivity, so that everyone on board can stay connected 24/7.

Commercial Fishing Solutions

Maritime Konnektivität

Enabling a connection to anything or anyone in any location – whether on an offshore platform, a one worker in remote location or travelling the world.

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Maritime IoT & Asset Management

Enhancing the effectiveness of maritime assets.

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Maritime Sicherheit GMDSS

We provide satellite communications services which prioritise safety at sea.

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Put the health and wellbeing of your crew first with secure and reliable communications.

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Kommunikation und Bandbreitenmanagement

Providing efficient bandwidth management by giving you real-time access to monitor and control data usage.

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Hybride Konnektivitätslösungen

Managed services tailored to the specific needs of our customers.

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Crew safety & welfare

Commercial fishing is one of the riskiest jobs in the world. Boats can be out at sea for weeks or months, with those on board often exposed to difficult and challenging conditions.

To ensure round-the-clock safety for all on board, reliable connectivity is crucial for fishing vessel owners, skippers and crew to gather information on weather conditions at sea.

AST Networks offers unparalleled safety for fishing vessels with Pol-zu-Pol coverage via Iridium Certus® to the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

A worldwide system for automated emergency signal communication for ships at sea developed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) as part of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, it allows you to send emergency and distress messages, enable vessel-to-vessel routine communications and vessel-to-shore routine communications.

Learn more about Maritime Safety GMDSS

Resilient connectivity for on-board communications

Regardless of a vessel’s location at sea, with AST Networks global coverage, vessels can rely on a connection to enable operational communication with shoreside, other vessels and access to data.

Our unique connectivity solutions with VSAT also allow crews to surf the web, communicate with loved ones and enjoy entertainment during downtime.

Remain in control of bandwidth with market leading bandwidth management service INTEGRA Control that frees up bandwidth for operational and critical communications when you need it.

Learn more about Comms and Bandwidth Management

Operations & vessel monitoring

Stay ahead of your sustainability goals and comply with fishing regulations with AST Networks complete marine and maritime satellite communications services. Using cellular, GSM, satellite, or a combination, we enable continual monitoring and reporting for fisheries across the globe.

Optimise operational costs and ensure safe and reliable vessel operations, including equipment and compliance with all applicable regulations via Planned Maintenance Systems (PMS), which offers preventative maintenance of your vessel and ensures engines are monitored and efficient with real-time data access.

Learn more about our Maritime IoT & Asset Management

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