We pride ourselves on providing service on demand, 24/7, 365 days a year, support for your vessels and crew. Our advanced technology enables real-time monitoring of critical vessel systems, enhancing operational efficiency and safety. By providing comprehensive data insights and diagnostics remotely, ship operators can proactively address potential issues, reduce downtime, and optimise maintenance schedules.
The integrations of our remote support allows for swift expert assistance, minimising disruptions and ensuring smooth maritime operations. Our innovative systems empower NavComs to significantly improve fleet performance, reduce costs, and enhance overall maritime safety and reliability.
With AST Networks, you gain a trusted partner dedicated to improving your maritime experience through tailored, expert solutions, backed by decades of experience and a commitment to round-the-clock support. Navigate with confidence, knowing that our team are always here to help, with our service on demand 24/7 support.
Click here to contact us today for more information
Weitere Informationen zur Fernverwaltung und -überwachung von Anlagen finden Sie bei unserem Partnerunternehmen; AST Reygar.