SAILOR 6140: mini-C Maritime (VMS System)

SAILOR 6140: mini-C Maritime (VMS System)

SAILOR 6140 mini-C Maritime is a fully approved Vessel Management System (VMS) and satellite tracking terminal utilising the Inmarsat satellite network.

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SAILOR 6140: mini-C Maritime (VMS System) is a sophisticated, fully approved dedicated Vessel Management System (VMS) and satellite tracking terminal. The system is a single, self-contained and sealed terminal, housing both antenna and transceiver. SAILOR 6140: mini-C Maritime (VMS System) utilises the Inmarsat satellite network.

The Cobham SATCOM SAILOR 6140 mini-C Maritime is a sophisticated, dedicated Vessel Management System (VMS) and satellite tracking terminal. Designed for extreme environments the system is a single, self-contained and sealed terminal, housing both antenna and transceiver.

This design approach has proven to be rugged and reliable, especially for use aboard the harsh environment of a professional fishing vessel. With the terminal’s 50 channel GPS module and omni-directional antenna, satellite fix and position are ensured even under the most adverse conditions.


  • Data Reporting: A standard data report contains information about latitude, longitude, speed, course, time, date as well as the SAILOR mini-C identity number. However, the data report package can be tailored to suit specific needs.
  • Vessel Monitoring System: VMS provides a number of advanced tracking functions giving the user greater control and eliminating unnecessary reporting.
  • GeoFencing: With GeoFencing you can divide relevant sea areas into a range of geographical zones meaning you can define special areas of interest where specific reporting intervals come into effect and also be alerted when your vessel is out of its designated zone. With increased memory capacity the terminal is now able to hold a multitude of different zones and programs. With the optional TCU programming for advanced monitoring is available with up to 14 I/O pins or 7 output pins, depending on configuration.

Download the Product Sheet

  • Features and Benefits
  • Technical Information
  • Product Interfaces
  • In the Box

Features and Benefits

Data Reporting
Vessel Monitoring
50 channel GPS module
Omni-directional antenna

13 x 8 x 3 cm


10.5 - 32V

-40°C to +85°C

23.9cm x 17.2cm x 5.4cm


In the Box

SAILOR 3027 maritime terminal
User & installation manual


Cobham is a leading global technology and service company that specializes in cutting-edge solutions for the most incendiary problems. They provide deep space solutions, as well as oceanic solutions.

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